The Language of Color
Deborah Fine, Carson Fox, and Donna Usher
Thursday, November 3, 2022 - Saturday, December 31, 2022
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The Language of Color
Philadelphia Style writes
"As the dark colorless winter trudges on, escape to the Stanek Gallery for a burst of hues from The Language of Color exhibition. Viewers are invited to enter a world of color with pieces like Deborah Fine's "Heart's a' Fire," where warmth from each crimson streak radiates off the canvas; Donna Usher's "Life Wreath Gold," with a hypnotic ring of colorpops; and Carson Fox's "Gumball Archaeology" made of resin decorated with hints of blue and a sea of red."
in its "Gallery News" section of the December 2022 issue. Naming "The Language of Color" one of seven "can't miss" local exhibitions.
From top to bottom: Cover Image of Philadelphia Style Modern Luxury, December 2022 issue. "Showstopper" by Katherine Mahoney. Page 56 of Philadelphia Style Modern Luxury, December 2022 issue.
From left to right: Deborah Fine, Heart's a' Fire, 2022. Mixed media on canvas, 48 x 48 inches; Donna Usher, Life Wreath Gold, 2021. Acrylic on board, 37.5 x 37.5 inches; Carson Fox, Gumball Archaeology, 2020. Resin and wood support, 19 x 19 x 3.5 inches. Click the images for pricing and purchase options.
Stanek Gallery celebrates its 7th Anniversary with the powerful works of Deborah Fine, Carson Fox, and Donna Usher in an exhibition abounding in richness and color!
Deborah Fine expresses the complexity of space experienced through color, line, and form in her expansive and consuming mixed media paintings. Transparency, opacity, and movement abound in these ethereal color fields that work into each other and within themselves to communicate a balance without a center of gravity. Fine's work finds the balance between chaos and order in each of her paintings, continually shaping and re-shaping the compositions to create a feeling of movement and rhythm.
The whimsical sculptural works of Carson Fox are saturated with color and improvisational in nature. Fox strikes a balance in her works, both metaphorically and physically, between playful absurdity, and the underlying depth of human tension and emotion. Fox's works feel as though they have been pulled into the gallery space from an intangible dream all while offering the seemingly contradictory tactile specificity of resin.
Donna Usher’s abstract paintings convey dynamic field movement and synergy. With a distinctive visual language, Usher creates vibrant works that explore the power of color, texture, and shape, evoking the complex patterns of our natural world. She embraces the unexpected results of her layered decisions with intricate details and bold use of color. Usher's work is vibrant in every sense of the word.
Use the scroll function to browse more artworks from The Language of Color. Hover over each image to see the artist's name and title of the piece. Click an image to be directed to it's Artsy page for more information and purchasing options.